Source code for stack.stack

[docs]class Stack: """ In python, stack doesn't make any sense as list has all inbuilt methods for the same But algorithm works as demonstrated below """ def __init__(self, size): self.stack = [] self.size = size # fixed sized stack = -1 # index of stack
[docs] def push(self, ele) -> None: if not self.overflow(): += 1 self.stack.append(ele) else: print("Stack Overflow")
[docs] def pop(self) -> int: if not self.underflow(): -= 1 return self.stack.pop() print("Stack Underflow") return -1
[docs] def underflow(self) -> bool: if == -1: return True return False
[docs] def overflow(self): if == self.size - 1: return True return False
[docs] def get_top(self): if self.underflow() or self.overflow(): return -1 return self.stack[]
[docs] def display(self): print("TOP <--", end=" ") top = while top >= 0: print(f"{self.stack[top]} <--", end=" ") top -= 1 print("/")
if __name__ == "__main__": print("=================") print("Stack Operations") print("=================") size = int(input("Enter the size of Stack: ")) stack = Stack(size) while True: print("Select the operation") print("1. Push into Stack") print("2. Pop out of stack") print("3. Check Underflow") print("4. Check Overflow") print("5. Get top of the stack") print("6. Display") print("7. Exit") print("Enter your choice : ", end="") choice = int(input()) print() print("-------------------") if choice == 1: element = input("Enter the element to push: ") stack.push(element) elif choice == 2: element = stack.pop() if element: pass else: print(f"Removed Element is: {element}") elif choice == 3: print(f"Underflow: {stack.underflow()}") elif choice == 4: print(f"Overflow: {stack.overflow()}") elif choice == 5: print(f"Element at the top of stack: {stack.get_top()}") elif choice == 6: stack.display() print("-------------------") continue elif choice == 7: quit() else: print("Invalid Choice") stack.display() print("-------------------")