Source code for Sorting.quick_sort

Quick Sort:
    Worst: O(n^2 )
    Average: O(n log(n) )
    Best: O(n log(n) )
Memory: O( log(n) )

In place Sorting

import sys

[docs]class QuickSort:
[docs] def partition(self, data, low, high): pivot = data[high] i = low # To keep the index of element smaller than pivot j = low # To keep the index of element greater than pivot while j < high: if data[j] < pivot: data[j], data[i] = data[i], data[j] i += 1 j += 1 data[i], data[high] = data[high], data[i] print("pivot", pivot, end=" -> ") print(data) return i
[docs] def quick_sort(self, data, low, high): if low < high: pivot = self.partition(data, low, high) self.quick_sort(data, low, pivot - 1) self.quick_sort(data, pivot + 1, high)
if __name__ == "__main__": input = data = list(map(int, input.split())) low = 0 high = len(data) - 1 print("Input array is : ", data) QuickSort().quick_sort(data, low, high) print("Sorted Array is : ", data)