Source code for LinkedList.floyds_tortoise_and_hare

# Floyd's Tortoise and Hare
[Reference : wiki](

## Description 
Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm is a pointer algorithm that uses only two pointers, which move through the sequence at 
different speeds. It is also called the "tortoise and the hare algorithm"

Checking the existence of the cycle in the linked-list. We can also find the node with which linked-list is linked

Linear TIme
Constant Space

[docs]class Node: """ Node for the linked-list """ def __init__(self, data=0, next=None): = data = next
[docs]class FloydTortoiseAndHare: """ Implementation of Floyd's Tortoise and Hare Algorithm """
[docs] def check_cycle(self, head): """ Return True if cycle is present else False :param head: :return: """ # Two pointers tortoise, hare = head, head # Base Case while hare and tortoise = hare = # Condition for cycle if tortoise == hare: return True # Condition when there is no cycle return False
[docs] def cycle_node(self, head): """ Finding the node where cycle exists :param head: :return: """ # Two pointers tortoise, hare = head, head while True: # Condition when pointer reaches to end if not hare or not return None tortoise = hare = if tortoise == hare: break # Iterating over the ll to find tortoise = head while tortoise != hare: tortoise = hare = # Returning node where cycle was found return tortoise
[docs]class FormLinkedList: """ Class to form linked-list with cycle """ def __init__(self, array, ind): """ Initialization :param array: array of data of linked list :param ind: Tail linked to the index ind, if no cycle, then ind = -1 """ self.head = None self.array = array self.ind = ind
[docs] def createll(self): """ Function to create linked-list with cycle :return: """ node_at_cycle = None self.head = temp = Node(None) for index, ele in enumerate(self.array): new_node = Node(ele) = new_node # Keeping track of the node where tail will be linked if index == self.ind: node_at_cycle = temp temp = # linking tail to the node of given index = node_at_cycle return
if __name__ == "__main__": print(f"Enter space separated integers") array = list(map(int, input().split())) print(f"Enter the index where tail is linked") ind = int(input()) formll = FormLinkedList(array, ind) head = formll.createll() floyd = FloydTortoiseAndHare() cycle = floyd.check_cycle(head) print(f"Cycle is {'' if cycle else 'not '}present") if cycle: node = floyd.cycle_node(head) print(f"Tail connects to node {}") """ ### Implementation | Problem No. | Level | Problems | Solutions | | :--- | :---: | :--- | :---| | 141. | Easy | [Linked List Cycle]( | [Python]( | | 142. | Medium | [Linked List Cycle II]( | [Python]( | """